My Top 5 Baby Products

**I'm catching up on blog posts that I wrote months ago. This was written when Savannah was only 6 weeks lol!**

It's been a little over a month that Savannah has graced us with her presence.
In a short 6 weeks I've learned what products work best for her & what products I cannot do without.
Here's my list:

1 Little Remedies Gripe Water -- For the gassy moments and when mommy ate something that will affect her stomach like beans/cheese/broccoli 

2 Nose Frida -- Having a congested baby is not for. But the nose frida allows us to "blow her nose" because obviously she can't on her own just yet lol

3 Avent Manual Pump  -- This is great for on the go and also for office hours at work I can just hop in to the pumping room and pump within minutes. 
4 Baby Aquaphor -- She has rather dry skin and this product allows us to keep her moisturized 
5 Dr Bronner's Almond Soap -- When she was a few weeks old... I tried a few different baby body wash products that are hot on the market but they all broke her out or left her skin really dry. This soap is great and also gentle enough for her little baby skin. 

My Fear Led Me To Success

After 2 years of feeling....stagnant, undervalued, worthless, bored, lazy, did I mention undervalued? I finally decided to allow God to lead me into the position that he wanted me to be in to further my career path. In all honesty, I was fearful.. fearing that I would fail, that I wouldn't be successful, and simply fearing that I would actually have work to do.
As a consultant, depending on the season the work load can vary and I became comfortable with not being challenged at work. That's when I sat down with my husband and talked about my fear.
Talking about and identifying your fear isn't the easiest thing because it leaves you feeling vulnerable.. well for me atleast.

But there's a shifting in my life that's taking place. I've known for some time now that it would happen but I just didn't know when. My husband constantly tells me to wait and be patient... but at times that's easier said than done lol!

Here's to not letting my fear control my success.

Yes I Am A New Mom

Yes I am a new mom but no that doesn't mean I'm an idiot.
Something about people and their judgments just does something to me.

So when we started daycare I went over to visit during my lunch break just about every day for the first 2 weeks. Immediately the workers assumed that this was my first child by the way I did things and cared for my child.

Sorry but I don't believe in "spoiling" a baby. I love to affection to my baby and so does my husband... what's so wrong with that?

I have an issue when the daycare just lets her sit all day and really doesn't interact with her. At home, we sing, play and dance on repeat so she's use to being active instead of confided to one spot for 8 hours in a day.

So yes I am a new mom but how I interact with my child should not be out of the norm. If more adults were held tighter as a child maybe, just maybe we would have a world with happier people.

So the next time you judge me for showing affection to my baby, you may need a hug too.