How To Repurpose Content That Isn't Yours

If you follow me on Instagram @TheMommyPlug - you know where this blog post stems from. But in case you just so happen to find me on Pinterest or across the interwebs.

Here's a recap:
A few weeks ago I was followed by @mrspaynebranding or DeVonna Payne or Payne Branding Co. Not sure what she goes by. But for SEO purposes we shall use all aliases.

I followed back - simply because her content seemed very relatable (mom with 2 daughters just like me). Well this week I started to notice that her content looked real SIMILAR to my content.

From the IG bio name

To the similar #TechTuesday (I recently made a IGTv about using Google Photos). 

All the way down to my BLOGGER template. How many people you know still using Blogger by Google? With alllll the templates out there on the internet. We have the same blog template. AND the same "About Me" section. Ironic right?

Let's get to the meat of this blog post:
How To Repurpose Content That Isn't Yours

You come across a video or blog post or even an Instagram post that inspires you! You get to thinking "this is so dope! I should share it or recreate it". 

#1 Content Creation:
-  Consider your brand (Colors, Audience, Tone/Voice)
- Use YOUR words. (I'm sure we've all taken an English class. Plagiarism is REAL. Let's not copy & paste) 

#2 Post Your Content: 
- Tag where your inspiration came from (@username)
- Create content that is completely separate from your inspiration (not even remotely close)

It's that simple LOL!

Let's be considerate of each other. We're all working hard to be creative. 

If you enjoyed this blog post - follow me over on Instagram @themommyplug or Pinterest @themommyplug

How To: Close All Tabs in Safari Mobile

We're still on this decluttering our iPhone phase LOL! Today we're moving on to closing all those open tabs.

Now let me tell you exactly where my inspiration for this series came from - my husband. He's very nit picky when it comes to keeping his phone decluttered. (Yes he's the type of person to organize his apps in specific folders).

I'm the complete opposite I'm just like I don't care - I know where my things are. But we're still self-quarantining so what else do I have to do during this time.

I had atleast over 500 tabs open in Safari mobile app. You know how when you're browsing social media and you click a link - well it'll instantly open up a Safari browser tab. Today we're CLOSING them all. Idk if this will give you more space on your phone it'll definitely keep you from having so many open at one time.

1. Open you Safari browser.
2. On the bottom right corner, press down on the 2 squares.

3. Close all 500 tabs will pop up.

4. Go ahead and close all 500+ tabs. It'll also ask if you want Safari to automatically close your tabs for you. I chose "after one month".

THAT'S IT. It's that simple.

How To: Declutter Your iPhone Photos using Google Photos

Open your photos app. How many photos are there? Me - personally I have pictures of my kids, screenshots, vacations, Pinterest photos, my dream dog, car, house etc. etc.

In short - I have around 13K photos stored on my phone LOL! Leaving not much storage and I pay $0.99/month to Apple iCloud storage. So my husband told me about how he started backing up his phone to Google Photos.

It's simple. You download the app and it'll instantly start backing up your photos.

2. You can delete your photos from your phone to get more space

3. If you accidentally delete photos, you can restore them before bulk deleting.

3 Ways to Prepare Your Business for an Emergency

I remember before the pandemic - everyone would talk about what if Instagram went away. Well now -- what if outside closed? Brick and mortar or digital business. You need an emergency plan. 

If the internet went down...what would you do? If we were no longer able to go outside - what would you do? Now is the best time to consider how would you handle any type of disrupt to your business.

For brick & mortar
1. Plan out any type of disaster: From fire, theft, hurricane, tornado, to now PANDEMIC. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would experience a pandemic in my life time. But now here here are.

2. Implement: 
Sketching out every detail. From the smallest detail of serving customers. To how will you accept orders? Do you have a website? What about an order form?
In this phase you should write down everything how you expect your business to operate. 

3. Test:
Do you currently have employees? What does 1 day off look like without them? Is your website set up for more than 100+ orders? How will you conduct strictly online or strictly in-person?

1. Make sure that you are using SEO to your greatest capacity. Learn about Google Ads for FREE. 

2. Buy Facebook/Instagram/Twitter ADs - this is now your time to capitalize on this space. 

3. Make sure that you are using the correct platform. So many times I've seen e-commerce utilizing Wix or Squarespace when neither are really made for a large ecommerce size. Now is the time to research the better platform. Between Shopify or Wordpress

With all of the unfamiliar territory that COVID-19 has brought. Now is the time to write it down and make it plain. I recommend -- thinking of the unknown -- using Google to research any aspect of your business that you may have not thought of. A natural disaster or pandemic does not have to be the end of your business. You can think creatively and get to work on your business or hire a consultant to do the labor for you.

Just remember to give yourself GRACE.

How To: Challenge Yourself using the Apple Watch

Let's get straight to it. My husband purchased me the Apple Watch back in December and since then it've been using it to jumpstart my fitness journey. Back in January, I joined a 6-week full body bootcamp. During that time I noticed how helpful the Apple Watch was as it relates to tracking calories burned and calories eaten.

So here's how to challenge yourself using the Apple Watch.

Weekly Summary - Each Monday - your Apple Watch will notify you of your previous Weekly Summary. It will display a summary of your total calories burned, total miles, total steps, etc. Towards the bottom of the screen you will notice your "Smart Move Goal". This is a suggestion to increase your active calories for the following week.


If you're on the fitness journey to lose weight -- I would suggest moving your active goals at least once a week or every 2 weeks. Personally, I take a look at my average active calories

Change Move Goal - Listen once you open your new Apple Watch and go about your merry way. I honestly forgot how to change it my move goal.
Here's the dets:
1. Go to the Activity app
2. Hold down on your 3 rings
3. Change Move Goal & Weekly Summary will pop up
4. Tap 'Change Move Goal' & Increase/Decrease Move Goal

I'm looking forward to get back into the swing of blogging. Stay tuned for more posts.