5 Ways To Be Productive This Summer

                     (Let's see if I can get back into the swing of the "blogging everyday" thing.)

Here's 5 Ways To Be Productive This Summer:

1. Find a Hobby: Get out there in your town/city and explore!
Google is everyone's best friend lol! Search for activities to do after work
Biking, tennis, new spot for happy hour. 

2. Get certified: You've mastered a skill -- now what?
Whether it's a certification for work/school/new interest/CPR
Find a way to get certified which will boost that resume
Who doesn't want that right?

3. Book a trip: After summer trip sounds GREAT
Get that early bird price on tickets by planning ahead. By doing so 
you'll save money and also will be able to do your research on the location/hotel

4. Visit family: If you're living away from your hometown or family
Why not take a quick weekend trip to your family?
I don't know about you but my family keeps me grounded. 
So take the time out to just spend quality time with them. 

5. Do that "thing" you've been putting off
I've heard so many people say this summer
"I wanted to take my GRE/GMAT this year but..."
"I wanted to start a blog but...."
"I wanted to start this...but..."
We all do it & I'm also guilty of it.
But there's no better time than now. 
So just take a small step towards that goal you want to achieve.

I Am A Product of My Environment

                    Photo Source: Career Contessa

I know "product of my environment" is sort of a cliche. But let's be real... If it wasn't for that environment I wouldn't be the person I am today.

So yes I can proudly say I am a product of my environment. Reason being that it shaped and mold me into the woman I've become. All of the positives and negatives. 

Being from a small town & only being accustomed to career fields such as "plant jobs" or nursing it kind of limits the mind. I have dreams of exceeding that mindset, of being greater than the people that paved the way before me.

That "simple mindset" is the environment I'm referring to. It's okay to step out of your comfort zone and to take risks. If you fail so what at least can say that you tried. If you succeed even better now you have the courage to be greater.

Allow your environment to become your story/testimony. So when you look back you can say that "A few years ago I was here....but now look how far God has brought me"

Embrace your environment. 

Big Announcement!

Photo Credit: Kristen Soileau


So I've been featured on a popular career blog/website Career Contessa
I am sooooo humbly honored & just so excited. I had a great experience working with their team & also the amazing Kristen Soileau during my photoshoot and interview process!
That is all.

Check it out HERE --> Career Contessa Feature

Defying The Odds

"I had someone tell me I fell off, oooooo I needed that!"

I know I haven't been consistent with blogging lol! BLAH. I can't make any excuses besides the fact that I just didn't feel like it. 

So here I am back with yet another awesome blog post =)

As many of you may or may not know....I am just a small town kid whose parents provided all of life necessities and occasionally attempted to spoil me with extra gifts. With that being said, I learned very quickly that we weren't the richest but a family's love means so much more.

Fast forward to currently, I would like to say that I am doing pretty well for myself at 23. I still have the same struggles as everyone else. Behind this smile there's a testimony/story to tell. 

I'd like to demonstrate to others that can relate to me....that you can do it too. Beat the statistics and continue to push forward to grow into a better person each day. So that when you are doubted by coworkers/family/friends your work will speak for itself without having to explain anything. 

Greatness needs no explanation. 

God has brought me too far to allow "the odds" play against me. So I take each day as it comes and I live it to the fullest. 

SHOUTOUT to my church fam and all the encouraging words that they shared tonight! =)

Quick Summer LookBook -- Office Edition

Hi! Here's a quick look into my Summer Office Wear. I basically dress up whether I'm traveling or not. It makes me happier at work lol!

-Skirt | JcPenny
-Top | H&M
-Necklace | F21
-Shoes | Jessica Simpson

-Dress | H&M
-Shoes | F21
-Sweater | Unknown lol!

Advice to College Students

             (Picture Source: Z Gallerie)

"So you're sitting on the sofa watching tv and lurking social media & your college life is passing you by. You keep procrastinating over & over, well maybe I'll get an internship next year, maybe I'll change my major to General Studies....."

Well here's my advice to you! Get your life together or you'll be working at Walmart after college. (Just an example no shade.) 
Recently I've been mentoring others in college & I decided to broadcast my advice on my blog so that it's displayed to any one in college or that may be starting college next year.

1. Summer = Chill time.
WRONG. Summer is your chance to hustle and grind even harder because you aren't taking 12-18 hours of college courses. If you know what career field you will go into after college, GET AN INTERNSHIP. Don't wait for opportunities to present themselves. 4 years may seem long enough to find yourself & your passion but it isn't. College graduation will come & you'll be left with no potential career options.  If you're taking summer classes then get a part-time job. You'll understand the importance of occupying your time with meaningful work.

2. Grow Up. Cut the cord from mommy and daddy. 
I understand that at times you know need finanical support. That's okay temporarily.  At some point the only person you can depend on is yourself. 
As far as rent & paying bills....yes bills. You'll need to decide if you can afford all of the expenses that comes with moving off of campus. If you cannot.....well looks like you'll need to stay on campus or move in with a relative.

3. "But I have a job."
Okay is it relevant to your major? If not you're wasting your time in a position that isn't beneficial to your future endeavors.
Are you making enough money to cover your expenses? If not, get ANOTHER job. Yes I understand that 2 jobs may be a lot to handle with a school schedule but if your expenses are more than the money in your account then you need to either get rid of a miscellaneous expense or increase your income. 

4. Priorities.
What are your priorities? If you can't answer that....that's a problem. If clubbing and shopping is at top of the list...that's a problem. 
Write down your priorities and then figure out what is your top 3. 
That's what you should focus on.

You're welcome. =)