Breastfeeding Journey: Accomplished

In 4 Days, Savannah will be 10 Months old.

Our Breastfeeding Journey has come to..... an end. As it kind of hurts to say, I also feel relieved and so accomplished! No more stops in Target parking lot, hearing cries like she hasn't eaten in days, trips to the mall bathroom just because she wants comfort from it


The original plan was to breastfeed until she was around 1 -- but her & God had other plans because she's such a busy body & I could no longer produce enough for her or fast enough for her.

I never really spoke out about breastfeeding or posted on social media pictures of us during that time --- Simply because IT'S AN INTIMATE MOMENT. Everything is not for social media believe it or not =)

Growing up I would always complain to my mom about how I wanted a breast reduction ASAP!
God turned that "would I thought was a curse" into a blessing -- allowing me to be able to breastfeed for 9 WHOLE MONTHS!

HELLO! If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is.


The journey was MEMORABLE, AMAZING, SO WORTH IT. From the moment Savannah was born until she decided to completely stop only a few weeks ago.
We've bonded like I could never imagine and I could not do it alone without the help of my Husband.

My Husband was there with a tall glass of water and ready to assist at any moment. I'm sure not having to wake up in the middle of the night persuaded him to be very helpful during the day as well.

My journey was really just a blessing -- never had latching problems, no tongue ties, no milk production problem (until the end). Everything flowed so smoothly.

I also believe helped with Savannah never having any real health issues. WE THANK GOD FOR THAT!

I would recommend every mother to atleast attempt breastfeeding.

Honest Moment: 25, Married, and Kids

Majority of my friends and social media associates dream of being married by 25 and having children between the ages of 25 & 28.
It's like a "life aspiration and accomplishment".
When someone asks in your early 20s "when do you plan on getting married and having kids"?
The answer is usually around 25 or so. 

Well, if that isn't your answer it previously was my answer when asked the question.

Now at newly 25, I'm married with a baby girl. 

Do I feel accomplished?
Do I feel like all my life accomplishments are 
No. I'm still working towards goals. 
Do I wonder what life would be like without a husband
and baby? 
Of course I do.

You see, God blesses us with what we pray for (whether it's in our timing or His timing). 
He will bless us when the timing and season is right.

Whether God blesses you with a family now or later you'll still wonder "What would my life be like with a husband/kids?" or "What would my life be like if I was still single living in a 1 bedroom apartment?"

It's normal to wonder and plan for the future but  remember not to get so caught up in life planning and fantasizing about the future that you miss what God is trying to bless you with. 

Instead of focusing on what you don't have at the moment, focus on God's love, self-care, self-love, continuing education, gaining transferable skills. 

With that being said, I need to take my own advice lol! 

New Year, New Journals

Happy New Year! I really get excited about the little things. 

Yesterday we took a random trip to Books-A-Million and I found a treasure of 50% off on Journals! Just something about a fresh new journal that excites me. From the blank, crisp, empty pages screaming WRITE ON ME! to the simplest quotes on the front cover. 
 I love it all! 

It makes me excited just talking about it!

It's 2017! Let the new ventures begin!