I started doing T. Major Design which is my consulting/creative studio that assists small business owners, real estate agents, and corporations with digital designs and social media strategy.
I know you're thinking "how in the world do you find time to do all of this"?
Well my kids have taught me important business tactics that all business owners should practice.
1. Time Management: By scheduling out blocks of time to work on certain projects allow me to plan out my day. So every morning I know my day starts with packing them up for daycare then dropping them off to daycare. After daycare drop off I can start my day with atleast 30 minutes of exercising around the neighborhood. During this time of exercising I listen to an inspiring word, a podcast, or read the Bible app -- this gives me a chance to start my day and week off in a positive mindset. I love listening to different marketing podcasts which inspires me to implement in my businesses.
2. Prioritize: Okay so now that my time is blocked in 2-3 hour increments I can focus on prioritizing my schedule. It usually looks something like 'Finish all MBA course assignments' (or atleast start lol!) 'Send out follow up emails to clients' 'Start new client project' 'Market on Social Media' 'Target & engage with audience'.
3. Find a stopping point: Now that my week is prioritized and time is blocked off for all tasks. I need to find a stopping point. Let me tell you -- the importance of this is MAJOR. You need to find a stopping point so that you can make sure you are not over doing it.
Quick story -- I took on a client project that became too much for my current lifestyle and my family time. I found myself constantly on my phone, on social media, on my laptop -- my husband was constantly complaining about not being present when spending family time. I was like 'you trippin. I'm just trying to make these coins.' I had to scale back & realize 'no Tiff. You trippin. You need to rethink what you're trying to accomplish & how you can accomplish that with your family in mind'.
It's like when I was single or without any kids -- I could be so selfish & it didn't matter to anyone. Now that I am a wife and a mother I can no longer do that. I have 2 human beings to keep alive and fed lol! I also have a partner that I have to work on our relationship daily. The only thing that I am still struggling with is finding time and resources to plan time for myself. We've been struggling with finding a babysitter that is available on our time schedule.
Motherhood births so many ideas and inspires you to pursue them even harder because you have the littles depending on you. This doesn't mean you can't continue to work towards them you just have to be strategic with your planning.
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