T I M E. P L A C E.

Has something so ironic happened to you & you just can't figure out how could that possibly just happen so perfectly?

Like a free meal or free tshirt after having a really bad day.

Life has it's up and downs but at the end of the day you keep pushing because that's all you know how to do. I'm so grateful for all of life lessons and the people that are in my life.

I've learned so much in a matter of just 4 years. And it's come to the realization of so many different aspects of life. At the end of the day all I can do is say "T H A N K Y O U GOD". I'm destined for greatness and I know where I'm going and I'm just learning what it will take to get there. I've never pictured it to be unicorns and dandelions but I also didn't picture it to come full a fast ball coming at 100 mph.

Everything happens for a reason.
So what's your R E A S O N?

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