First Three Weeks of Motherhood

I've finally pushed myself to type another blog post. In my first few weeks of motherhood.... I must say all of these motherly duties make me appreciate my mom so much more. I'm not sure how she found the time to take care of 4 kids and still find time to work a full time job.

Basically in 3 short weeks I've found out a lot about myself and also my husband (that still feels weird to say lol). I've cried, laughed, argued, cried some more and laughed even more. This is only the beginning and the journey is so worth it.

To sum up everything that's been going on..... Savannah has grown so much in only 3 weeks and the breastfeeding journey has been going GREAT. I worried so much about being able to breastfeed or if I was doing things right.
In the hospital I requested a lactation consultant all 3 days of my hospital stay lol! I wanted to make sure I was holding the baby the "proper way"... make sure she was getting enough milk... make sure she was having enough dirty diapers.
Then once I got home I quickly realized that I just needed to do what was comfortable for myself and the baby. It's that simple. No books or Breastfeeding classes or Youtube videos can teach me that.

The support from Q and my family has driven me to be the best I can be and also allowed me to slow down and just take my time instead of rushing.

With Mother's Day quickly approaching I must say... to all the Mothers out there. You are appreciated. Hopefully there is some type of support system in your household because I couldn't imagine raising Savannah alone.

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