Is it the ring size or the likes?

Happy Sunday!

It's a new week, new month, new ventures!

So I'm midway finish doing my hair for the week and this topic randomly popped into my head. I just HAD to pause for a sec and blog about it.

I personally know a bunch of couples that have been committed long term as in years...and years. But still aren't engaged or even close to marriage. So my question is it about the ring size or the social media likes?

I've told my proposal story here on the blog previously and it only took my husband a few months to propose lol!
We chose to commit to forever. As a family. As a couple. 

So my question to people in a long term relationship that aren't engaged... Is it about the ring size or the social media likes?

Many people in this day & age do things for attention and are focused on their social media following and likes. If you want to be with that person forever and are truly committed then whats the wait?
I know we're 20-somethings and have student loans to pay. 
Trust I know the struggle lol! 

But are you putting forever on pause for that Pinterest/Kim K size ring?

If so, you need to reevaluate some things girl.

Dreams Vs Motherhood

mommy dreams
Once you have a baby all of your energy and focus is put towards helping this new little human into the world. It's so easy to forget to pamper and give yourself some lovin'.

But who's to say that you have to completely give up your dreams?? At first I surely thought I would no longer be able to pursue my dreams now that I have a little baby to care for.
Of course there are days were I am DOG TIRED but my dreams won't stop so why should I?

I watched this Youtube video this morning by BronzeGoddess01 and that lightbulb finally turned completely on for me.

I can still pursue my dreams of traveling and starting a business and just about anything else I would like to do. Simply because I have a daughter that looks up to me and thinks I am the greatest thing ever. The way she smiles and watches every step and move that I make.

When she grows old enough to understand about owning a business, I would like her to continue our legacy. Whether that's a nonprofit or a business that grew into something great.

Goodbye Corporate

Let's rewind to May 19,2014 -- immediately after my college graduation I embarked on my consulting career with one of the Fortune 100 companies. Being a new graduate that was a great accomplishment at the time. I was living in a fancy "luxury apartment" with a Bachelors and a Dream. The first 6 months of my consulting career I spent traveling to the West Coast, meeting new people and professionals that could help further my career.

Then after 6 months it hit me.... this consulting/travel career was not for me. I was never at home butI was still paying for this "luxury apartment". I had gained lots of hotel and rental car rewards but something was still missing even with that "Gold Passport".

Back to Present time -- August 2016 -- I finally cut the cord on Corporate America and I couldn't be happier. I hung on to that consultant life for 2yrs and 3months, which I was ready to let go 2 yrs ago. Don't get me wrong, it was a great introduction and also a necessary push to start my very own business.

As I made my last walk through the squeaky clean glass doors and two rows down to my very own cubicle. For a brief second my emotions took over and I couldn't believe I was jumping off the ship. After signing the exit papers and meeting with my manager..... I wasn't even worth a simple Goodbye handshake.
2years and 3months under the same management and a brief gesture of a handshake wasn't presented.
27 months of being overworked, underpaid, and undervalued
I said Goodbye to my comfy Corporate Bubble and Hello to my Family of 3.