Dreams Vs Motherhood

mommy dreams
Once you have a baby all of your energy and focus is put towards helping this new little human into the world. It's so easy to forget to pamper and give yourself some lovin'.

But who's to say that you have to completely give up your dreams?? At first I surely thought I would no longer be able to pursue my dreams now that I have a little baby to care for.
Of course there are days were I am DOG TIRED but my dreams won't stop so why should I?

I watched this Youtube video this morning by BronzeGoddess01 and that lightbulb finally turned completely on for me.

I can still pursue my dreams of traveling and starting a business and just about anything else I would like to do. Simply because I have a daughter that looks up to me and thinks I am the greatest thing ever. The way she smiles and watches every step and move that I make.

When she grows old enough to understand about owning a business, I would like her to continue our legacy. Whether that's a nonprofit or a business that grew into something great.

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