Goodbye Corporate

Let's rewind to May 19,2014 -- immediately after my college graduation I embarked on my consulting career with one of the Fortune 100 companies. Being a new graduate that was a great accomplishment at the time. I was living in a fancy "luxury apartment" with a Bachelors and a Dream. The first 6 months of my consulting career I spent traveling to the West Coast, meeting new people and professionals that could help further my career.

Then after 6 months it hit me.... this consulting/travel career was not for me. I was never at home butI was still paying for this "luxury apartment". I had gained lots of hotel and rental car rewards but something was still missing even with that "Gold Passport".

Back to Present time -- August 2016 -- I finally cut the cord on Corporate America and I couldn't be happier. I hung on to that consultant life for 2yrs and 3months, which I was ready to let go 2 yrs ago. Don't get me wrong, it was a great introduction and also a necessary push to start my very own business.

As I made my last walk through the squeaky clean glass doors and two rows down to my very own cubicle. For a brief second my emotions took over and I couldn't believe I was jumping off the ship. After signing the exit papers and meeting with my manager..... I wasn't even worth a simple Goodbye handshake.
2years and 3months under the same management and a brief gesture of a handshake wasn't presented.
27 months of being overworked, underpaid, and undervalued
I said Goodbye to my comfy Corporate Bubble and Hello to my Family of 3.

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