2 Weeks of Self Reflection

For the past 2 weeks I've been away for business travel....& let me just say the beginning of the trip started off sort of depressing. I was texting my friends like.. "Just shower me with some encouraging words because I honestly feel like I can't do this anymore & I just want to give up on my career."

Well that only lasted for 2 days. Then I allowed God to intervene. I prayed to Him just to lead my path & completely surrendered all my worries to Him. That's exactly what he did. I was stress free for the rest of the trip. Also my trip to NYC definitely just put me in a different mindset for the rest of the trip.
Just being able to travel to New York all by myself & to be able to navigate amongst the thousands of other travelers was truly a blessing for me.
I really want to begin planning a vacation for some time this year..not sure where yet but it will involve a beach. Whether my family or friends decide to come, I'm going on a vacation. Not only because I deserve it but also because I now have the confidence in myself to be able to travel alone. I want to explore God's beautiful creations. 

I've taken small steps towards traveling alone..first it was the mall close to my hotel where I discovered Restoration Hardware. Then it was exploring Jersey City & then New York.
I feel like I can take on the world! Lol!

But seriously, it's amazing how I can conquer my fears by just allowing God to order my steps & trust that he will protect me as I travel alone.

Who am I?
I'm a hopeless romantic, lover of fine wines and the simplicity of interior designs. I love traveling, my best thoughts/blog posts are made on the plane. I love alternative R&B/indie music, especially if it's live! I love exploring and discovering new places. Places that may seem so minor to others but so major to a small town girl.

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