How-To Tour New York City for Under $100

This weekend I decided to hit up NYC for the first time...& yes I went alone. #solotraveler 
It was really fun. Just living in the moment & exploring New York City. I took a ton of pictures & walked SEVERAL blocks. 
I researched ALOT before heading out via Google, Groupon New York, LivingSocial New York.
Overall, just go with the flow of the day. Don't buy tickets online because life happens and you'll waste money if you aren't able to attend what you've paid for.

Here's how I explored NYC for under $100:(or just on a budget)
*Please Note: This doesn't include the price of a plane ticket or hotel stay.

Touring NYC for a day:
Around trip train ride from New Jersey to New York -- $22.00
"New York Tours" Sightseeing Bus -- $34.00
Pizza & water -- $6.00
Pictures captured -- Priceless =)

On the sightseeing tour bus which is called "New York tours"(there's many different companies just find one in your price range) you can hop on & off at different landmarks which allows you to see multiple sights such as Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, SoHo, ....a BUNCH more. 

Your ticket for the bus is valid for 24 hours. So you can take a break for the day & get back to exploring New York the next day! How cool right?

I didn't actually shop or anything. Because I know I would've gotten carried away. The pictures that I was able to capture were worth way more than clothes or anything money could buy.

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