Why I deactivated my Twitter and Instagram accounts?

Picktochart Infographic Social Media More Than Just A Pretty Face

It's 2015 and everyone's mother, grandmother, grandpa, great cousin are connected to social media some type of way. Social media is basically becoming an idol to many people and don't even realize it. If you can answer yes to these 3 questions then that person is you:

1. Do you check social media immediately when you  wake up? *before even brushing your teeth? lol!*
2. Do you use social media to vent about your day or anything in your life?
3. Do you check social media before you fall asleep at night?

Just those simple question show that you're making social media your idol. If you would replace social media with spending to personal, quality time with God you will be amazed at how things in your life will turn around.

So for that reason alone I've deleted my Twitter and Instagram accounts, I've kept Facebook but that was merely to share my blog posts and also pictures from business travel. Other than that I seriously spend my time on how I can be more productive in my day and also making sure that I spend time with God each day. By making a simple change I feel so much more refreshed and productive.

--MoreThanJustPrettyFace ||

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